Authorized by Grand Lodge of Utah at its fifty-seventh Annual Communication, was Incorporated under the laws of Utah, February 13, 1929. The Masonic Foundation of Utah is the charitable arm of Grand Lodge of Utah F. & A.M.
Our Mission
The Mission of the Masonic Foundation of Utah is to promote the Masonic ideals of charity, relief, self-improvement , and the betterment of our communities and humanity through efforts consistent with the requirements and limitations of Section 501©3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Masonic Foundation was formed in 1929 by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Utah. Through it, Utah Masons have touched the lives of thousands of individuals in Utah through college scholarships, support for community charities that help fight hunger, homelessness and other social issues as well as cultural charities that provide enrichment to people’s lives. Additionally, the Foundation provides financial assistance for national disaster efforts on a case by case basis. The Masonic Foundation of Utah is but one example of Utah Freemasonry striving to be a positive influence to all people.
The foundation is composed of all members entitled to vote in Grand Lodge, with responsibility for the management of its business entrusted to a board of Trustees. These are the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, during their term of office, and three others elected from the membership of Grand Lodge for staggered three year terms.
The Tax Reform Act of 1969 and subsequent amendments as passed by Congress places strict guidelines on the operation and distribution of income of public and private Foundations. The regulations, as promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service, require that income be distributed only to qualified non-profit, tax exempt organizations for philanthropic, charitable, or educational purposes. It is a Non-profit, tax exempt Corporation, under the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)3.
Foundation News
MW Joseph A. Milner, Grand Master of Masons in Utah becomes newest Masonic Foundation of Utah Board Member
On Friday, January 31, 2025 to Saturday February 1, 2025, the Grand Lodge of Utah held it’s Annual Communication in the Salt Lake Masonic Temple. This annual meeting takes place each year to assemble all the individual Masonic Lodges inside Utah to meet, exchange ideas, give reports, and in general, to take care of all …
The Grand Lodge of Utah Installs New Grand Master During Its Annual Communication
On Friday, February 2 to Saturday February 3, 2024, the Grand Lodge of Utah held it’s Annual Communication in the Salt Lake Masonic Temple. This annual meeting takes place each year to assemble all the individual Masonic Lodges inside Utah to meet, exchange ideas, give reports, and in general, to take care of all annual …
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2023 Scholarships Awarded
In July of 2023, the Masonic Foundation of Utah met to determine the recipients of its annual Scholarship awards. This process is never easy because of the many applications but it is wonderfully rewarding to be able to support so many active students as they work towards their educational goals. Education and self improvement are …
Scholarships and Grants
The Masonic foundation distributes funds twice each year. In July we award scholarships and in October, grants to qualifying charitable organizations. Annually the foundation awards approximately $250,000.00 in scholarships and grants to worthy individuals and organizations around the State of Utah.
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